It seems to me most vegans fall into the following categories:
Earthy au natural vegans – “I don’t wear shoes so I can feel the earth breathe.”
Animal huggers – “Cows have such sweet eyes. Also, I think my cat is psychic.”
Agro punk vegans – “The ‘Man’ is keeping you down with food and fluoridation!”
I-know-everything-and-I’m-going-to-tell-you vegans – “Don’t you know that corn subsidies are almost as bad as heating up olive oil? Are you really going to eat those chips? Let me tell you about them…”
Lemming vegans – “Did you know Nathalie Portman and Moby are vegan like me? I think we would totally be friends.”
Anorexic vegan – “I’m vegan because it’s a good outlet for my food issues.”
Fat vegans– “Fried Oreos are totally vegan.”
Angry at your father vegan– “My family doesn’t understand my angst. This’ll show ‘em.”
Secret vegan– “Shhh. Don’t tell anyone I’m vegan because I don’t wanna be harassed about it.”
Hipster vegan– “I’m vegan because of this band. They’re pretty obscure, you probably haven’t heard of them.”
The 90% Vegan– “I’m vegan. Pass the spicy tuna rolls.”
LOL. The 90% vegan = convenientarian . Now what about the 11 kinds of omnivores?